Tuesday, May 02, 2006

First Entry of New Blog!

I absolutely love Blogging! I don't know what it is anymore, it helps me get things out i guess. I'm joining the blogging world of my sisters, so now we can all keep up with each other everyday since we're in different places right now. I've been so stressed out lately. I started back at Payless Shoes yesterday and the lady that was supposed to work with me called in sick, so I was there all by myself for 6 hours and I had to close. Closing is a pain by myself. Well It's back to work again working 3o hours a week for the next two and a half months. Then It's off to Canada for my Comm 3 class for the Shakespeare festival! But I have to read all my books and write a paper while I work at Payless.....hmmm...I don't know how that's going to work out, but somehow I have to do it. I guess I just won't have a social life for the next couple months. Fun Fun! I miss OC so much! The friends that I made this year are amazing and we had so much fun! The picture is of my friends and I out on a Girls night out the last day before finals. We had a blast and I can't wait to go back!

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