Thursday, May 11, 2006

Runner's Knee

So I went to the doctor yesterday and he told me what was wrong with my knee. After much twisting and popping of my patella. He told me that I have Runner's Knee. Runner's knee is not just for runners, my softball is what probably caused it in the first place. After years of softball it's finally taking a toll on my body. So, here's what is happening inside my knee. Both of my patella's are out of place and they are rubbing up against the femurs, which in turn is causing an excess of inflamation and pussy tissue under my knee. My patella is grinding up against the femur when I walk, run, or bend my knee at all. The doctor said that surgery is the last resort, but for now to take 600 mg of Ibuprofen at every meal and to attend physical therapy sessions to help straighten my knee caps out. Strange..I never knew there was anything wrong with my knees until I started working at Payless....hmmm...I sense a connection. The doc also said that I'm not allowed to bend down at work or get on my knees to do stock or help measure little kids' feet. That's like my whole job.....working pretty much sucks now because I can't do anything anymore, plus it hurts soooooo bad to work, standing for 8 hours and walking around is not my idea of fun. How am I supposed to rest my knees when I'm working 30 hours a week? Well my first physical therapy appointment is in the morning so I'm going to get some sleep.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

how did you manage to eventually beat your runner's knee?