Monday, May 29, 2006

My favorite part about camping....

is getting to shoot lots of guns. In this picture I'm shooting a sniper rifle. I got to shoot a CZ 52 and a 44 Magnum and a sniper rifle and a 6mm rifle. I love guns! I'm a really good shot too! My dad said he'd get me a sniper rifle to mount in my truck to scare away my potential suitors.....I But it would be fun. I would love to get a sniper rifle! I have a better shot with the sniper rifle then I have with the hand guns that's for sure! I was shooting with perfect accuracy at 300 yards away with the sniper, but I couldn't shoot a freakin rock in front of me with the hand gun. Figures! But the camping trip was amazing. It snowed in a light storm yesterday which was fun and we got tons of pictures. I think I had the most fun with the kids though. A lot of kids from church were there and we had a blast! I learned how to make the most efficient fire ever and where to place the logs too. I can't wait to go camping over July 4th now! Here's a pic of me and the kids and the snow! Now that is real camping!

1 comment:

Chrissey said...

I'm so jealous you got to go camping in the mountains! Hey, you could probably go on "Survivor" now that you now how to build an "efficient" fire! Although, you only get to take 1 outfit for 40 days, so I don't think you could survive that! :)