Monday, May 22, 2006

Natural Hair Color

My hair is back to normal color! YEAH! I'm so happy for natural hair! I hated the red color that was like someone took a red magic marker to my hair. But now, life goes on as usual, thank goodness! I totally miss Oklahoma and all the people that live there. My family and a certain guy that shall remain nameless for now. I can't wait to go back and see my nieces and be in warm weather again. I'm going camping this weekend for Memorial Day with my family and some people from church so that should take my mind off of the big Oklahoma, hopefully. My sister Chrissey is coming down here to Colorado for her 10 year high school reunion in about two or three weeks and she's bringing the kids too. I get to babysit them while they party it up with their old friends and talk about their lives after high school and relive the glory days of when they used to be band nerds. I can't wait till my high school reunion......oh wait, that happens everyday out here in Falcon Co. Everyone pretty much stayed here. Except for me. Yeah me! I wouldn't trade in this last year of school for the world! I loved it! Anyhow, I just wanted to update everyone on my hair color. Have a great day!

1 comment:

Chrissey said...

EXCUSE ME??? Band that was the other sister! I was only in band one year in HS. I was a choir/drama nerd...thank you very much!